Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union,
3305 E Elms Road
Killeen, TX 76542
Telephone: 254-690-2274

How Used Auto And New Auto Loans Differ?

When making the decision of buying a car, a major consideration that needs to be made is whether to buy a new car or a used one. This becomes even more important when getting a car loan, since loan terms can differ significantly for used cars and new ones. As a buyer, it is important to understand what these differences are, so as to decide which car loan would be better suited to your preferences. The following points highlight the major differences between a used auto loan and a new one-

  • Since used cars have a reduced cost, these loans tend to be smaller than those on new cars, which are obviously longer.
  • The rate of interest on a used car is likely to be higher than that on its new counterpart, owing to the higher risk involved in such a car. In this way, new car loans have the advantage of having lower interest rates.
  • Used car loans are generally considered to be riskier than new auto loans from the lender’s perspective. This is because these loans run the risk of the car’s value falling below the loan’s value before repayment. It is for this reason that buyer’s might be required to pay a higher down payment on a used car than on a new one.
  • It is usually difficult to get a loan on a car that is more than ten years old, since such cars are very risk for the lender.
  • In the long run, the cost incurred on a used car is likely to be substantially less than that on a new car. This is due to the high level of depreciation of a new car when compared to a used car in good condition.
  • As far as the interest rate is concerned, while the condition of the car and whether it is new or used definitely has a bearing, a greater role is played by other more important factors, such as the borrower’s credit rating and the amount being borrowed. This explains why the rate of interest should not be a major factor when deciding whether to buy a new car or a used one.
  • It is a good idea to calculate how much you shall be paying at the end of the loan period in both cases, and take into account the depreciation in the car by then, while making a choice between a new car loan and a used car loan.

To obtain quick, cheap and secured auto loans, consider Greater Central Texas Federal Credit Union only. You can visit at 3305 E Elms Road, Killeen, TX 76542 or call us at 254-690-2274.

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